Why Winter May Be The Best Time Finance Your Fix-And-Flip

Winter is a great season for flipping homes or just handling renovation projects in general. During the winter it can be extremely effective to do a combination of interior and exterior remodeling projects on a home that will ensure that the property value is raised right before the peak selling season in the spring/summer. In this article, we will cover some of the core reasons that people who flip homes should work on financing their contracting projects during the winter season. 

Winter Is A Great Time To Save On Materials 

It is no secret that there is a large spike in renovation work (especially outdoor renovation work) during the spring and summer. The longer daylight hours and improved temperatures often lead to millions of homeowners starting a variety of projects. Because of this there is often increased demand and decreased supply of a variety of materials. Moreover, locating teams of contractors that can keep your timeline can also be a challenge in the spring and summer. Everyone is always booked, juggling multiple projects, and selling all their materials at their highest costs. During the late fall and winter, these demands decrease and the supply of these materials replenishes. While everyone else is indoors enjoying the holiday season, it can be extremely beneficial to start planning and financing your contracting projects

Be Ready To Sell Before Everyone Else 

Every real estate expert will tell you that there is always a spike in property purchasing around the spring and summer. The increased daylight hours allow for prospective buyers to shop for a home after work hours and many people’s yearly schedules lighten up around the summer months. Having a home that is ready to sell in early to mid-spring is a great way to beat your competition. If other properties are still finishing their renovations, you can get out in front of prospective buyers earlier. 

Get Access To Off-Market Deals

Deals on all sides of the house flipping process happen year-round. A common mistake is assuming that you can slow down when contractors and house buyers also slow down. Staying active during the winter months can ensure that you are always ready for the right deal at the right time or the right buyer. Sometimes the best opportunities happen when people aren’t looking for them or when things seem to slow down. 

Financing Solutions for Home Flipping 

At Mass Hard Money, we provide hard money real estate loans to investors in Boston, MA, simplifying the process of financing property investments. Unlike conventional loans, hard money loans are backed by the property itself rather than the borrower’s credit history. As a result, the approval process is faster and comes with fewer limitations. If you would like to learn more about the financing process and our financing options, please contact our team